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Bank Accounts
Bank Accounts Have you noticed how banks and building societies set you up with savings accounts and then gradually replace your accounts with newer all-singing, all-dancing, high interest paying accounts? They may tell you about their new accounts but often you miss the notices in a mass of junk mail. In tne meantime, your own savings account is left with a lower and lower rate of interest and the bank then gives the better rates to a new tranche of savers. If you don't have your wits about you, you may end up actually losing money as the rate of inflation exceeds the rate of interest that your bank is paying you. In real terms, the value of your money goes down and down. When it comes to monitoring your savings accounts, you have to be on the ball. You need to check the market for higher paying accounts and not be shy of moving your money to a place where you can earn more. The odd per cent of interest may not seem like much now, but over a period of years, it could add up to a significant amount of lost income for you. If you follow the links from this page, you will find many companies offering details of their savings accounts online. You will be able to gain access to details of high interest savings accounts, ISA's, Children's accounts and more. Do remember to check acount details carefully. The headline interest rates may disguise some surprises when it comes to running your account. You may not be able to access your money for a period. You may be limited to so many withdrawals per year. Your money may be untouchable for a period of time (or with high penalties if you are forced to make a withdrawal). If in doubt, seek the advice of an independent financial adviser. We can give you access to companies offering savings accounts. Click below according to your preferred savings account and see whether you can make your money work harder for you.
Bank Accounts
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